Monday, March 5, 2012

My thoughts on Myglam

So I have been a member of Myglam since the very first bag in December, and I was very happy that I signed up in time (I think they day after I signed up they were sold out of subscriptions)

They reason why I signed up because it was at a reasonable price at $10 and the first bag was available for preview and I saw that it came with a full sized Urban Decay eye shadow in Sin (which retails for $17)

As the months have gone by it has seems that the products in the bag are getting less interesting and it seems like there are a lot of issues for this company that they need to work out.

I will continue to stay subscribed to them to see if the bags will get better and to see if all their issues are solved.

I would have to cancel and then want to rejoin again and the subscriptions were closed.

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